Thursday, September 10, 2009


Week two is almost over and it's been going really well. Today was kind of rough, but I got this really cute smile out of Gavin, so it makes my day. Will and Owen are still the best of friends and the worst enemies. Sharing is hard sometimes:( Today they both had fun playing with Jello and then eating it, but they ended up having red stained hands. Owen has some really funny sayings, the best have been, "smile jenny." and "you're a tired lady." I guess I look a little ragged by the afternoon. Enjoy the new pics on Picasa.
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1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys are doing great. You are just the type of person that will do great with this. I wish i could send ruby to you. I had a really good time at the Mall. We will have to do that again. We miss you here. I hope the rest of your week goes good. The kids are so cute. Ruby just started taking some steps. Its so much fun. Talk to you soon. Katie Nadeau
