Monday, August 31, 2009

First day

Today went great! Addison decided to give me a test first thing this morning. Right after the boys arrived, she blow out her diaper, she need to be washed off in the tub. It's a good thing Owen and Will get along and were so excited to play together. We played with cars, built towers with legos, read a lot of books, rolled out playdo, and found toy insects buried in the sand bucket. The babies did great aswell. They both were able to take naps, and play together on the activity mat. I took some pictures, but my camera battery died, so I'll post them once it's charged up. All in all, we had a great day, I'm exhusted and going to bed!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Getting ready!

The daycare is all set for kids! I'm so excited for this new adventure, but I have to confess that I am nervous. For the time being, I will be running the daycare out of our living room. Once the basement is finished, we will have so much room to play! Here's some pictures of the daycare.
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