Sunday, September 27, 2009

One month in

So we're one month into daycare and we are starting to get the routine down. We have our days that sharing or listening is hard, but most days the boys have fun. We drive cars, do puzzles, play with playdo, read books, build with legos, and play outside. We try to get outside everyday, either down to the park the play on the playground or in our backyard to play in the sandbox or ride in the cozy coupe car(Owens favorite). This last week I was able to borrow a bumbo chair from a friend so that Addison and Gavin can practice sitting up. They both loved it. I can't believe how fast they are changing. Addy loves to be on her tummy and Gavin loves to sit on my lap facing out so he can watch his big brother Owen play. Gavin is starting to roll over a lot more now, especially if he is reaching for a toy. Pictured are Will and Owen talking to their grandma and grandpa's and also mama. Check out the new pictures on picasa.
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1 comment:

  1. We miss you.... I wish you were here but glad that everything is going good. We do have an opening. Hope to see you soon. Kaite Nadeau
